The vale of soul making
A levitating work of art made of polystyrene and hard plaster
Online since: 14/12/2011,
Number of visits: 247845
I realised my work of art "The vale of soul making" with the help of your magnets.
It is made of polystyrene and coated with a layer of hard plaster.
It took more than 5 months and various tests to achieve an equalisation of magnetic repulsion and gravity in order to attain a stable levitation effect.
The asymmetrical shape of the piece and the heavy layer of hard plaster made this work even harder.
Technical specification
There are 2 Q-30-30-15-N
block magnets with an adhesive force of 35 kg attached to both ends of the levitating piece.
In the middle on the bottom is a large metal screw.
The base of the artwork holds another 2 block magnets of the same type at the ends.
The magnets were placed so they repel the magnets on the inside.
In the middle of the base is a S-30-15-N
disc magnet with an adhesive force of 23 kg, which attracts the screw on the inside and stabilises the horizontal variations.
The work of art is confined by an acrylic glass wall on one end, so that the movement is limited, and the levitation is stabilised.
More of my artwork can be found on my website
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